Words, Weights, Whatever

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Follow up on Comic Con

Huh. The title of this post sounds like a blog. Should I rename Words, Weights, Whatever? Nah.

Well, it's been a while since I updated this blog whose fault squarely falls upon my not-so-broad shoulders. I had good intentions to resume regularly posting back on the 1st but failed to do so. Thus, here's another attempt at regularity (with or without fiber.)

We returned from Comic Con on July 23rd. We have mixed feelings about the annual event. On the one hand, we found a lot of kewl treasures: more stuff from Unshelved, free copy of Moon Knight issue #1 from the writer, etc.

But Wednesday's "Preview Night" proved a harbinger of how crowded CC would become over the next few days. Forget passing the Star Wars booths, for example. You'd have a better chance driving through L.A. freeway traffic during rush hour. And we agreed that Comic Con has less comics from the independents and newbies than prior shows, discovering more vendors selling toys and autographs than the product that started the convention. I hung out at the lone rpg booth than brave the crowds for slim pickings.


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