Words, Weights, Whatever

Wednesday, September 17, 2003


Whew. Work was busy during the morn. Fortunately it died down in the late afternoon. Still, I put in a good number of hours. Still learning a lot.

Made it to the 1830 step class at Tustin. Traffic wasn't bad at all. Sub that evening: the regular's husband had been in an accidently literally minutes before the class started. Class wasn't bad except barely hear the instructor.

Watched more Yu Yu Hakusho(sp?) GREAT story arc. The show keeps escalating to new heights of inflicting probs on its MCs. Love it!

There was an interesting discussion on Forward Motion on what constitutes writing. My opinion--for me--is "writing" constitutes what's done directly in the WIP. Everything else (e.g., imagination, research, etc.) is research. Both are very important to getting the WIP in its final form.

Not doing well at all. Too sleepy in the morn. Will have to work on this goal.

Mailed out letter. Post office's not bad after 1300.


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