Words, Weights, Whatever

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Picked up my car yesterday. Ack! Error light still on and--worse--no A/C! I was steaming all night.
Well, brought my car in bright and early in the morn. They apologized and repaired it. Yeah! And free, of course. They're nice guys.

Saw our new financial planner. Spouse is happy the way we're progressing. Lunch down at the Spectrum. Can you believe it? We actually got seated without waiting at the Cheesecake Factory down there. Yeah!

Found another rpg supplement in Barnes and Nobels. Yikes! I haven't had a chance to read over 90% of my stuff.

Didn't write yesterday. So upset over my car. Stupid me. But we had a great dinner.

Chat over at Forward Motion seems to be having probs. Will check later over the weekend.

This is interesting: FAQ on Fanfic. I'm not currently interested in writing in other people's universes. Wonder if people will be interested in writing in mine in the future....


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