Words, Weights, Whatever

Wednesday, October 08, 2003


I'm behind....

I watched Angel on the WB. I thoroughly enjoyed the episode. Loved how Angel and Spike kept me guessing. And the ending reveals that Spike has quite a road to redemption.

Progress. While chatting on-line, I began to outline my current work-in-progress, Pyrrhic Price. Got a nice connection between the main protag and antag. Very pleased.

As I've stated in earlier entries, I'm currently writing a department handbook at work. At first I hesitated: I didn't want to return to technical writing. But as I outlined my thoughts, I felt my writing muscles--long asleep--begin to flex. Many of the techniques used in non-fiction writing are easily applicable to my fiction writing. I learned more about the features in Word which is always a plus. Hmmm. I may reconsider attempting to obtain that Microsoft Office certification.

Ate out again. No big; I'll move back and chest a day forward to Thursday and Friday.

The month is October. It's always a tough month for me. Too many temptations: candies, candies, and more candies. Specifically, chocolate candies.

Sigh. I can feel my waist-line increasing.

Busy day even into the evening. Received training (again) on one of the company's more difficult clients. Also trained a couple of the new staff on one of our services as well (and received a compliment as well for the latter.)


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