Words, Weights, Whatever

Thursday, March 18, 2004

What a week...

Continued progress on my outline. I've never gone into such depth in previous attempts. I
can see why some author can generate twenty page ones. But threadlines are becoming more
clear. I do see a couple of weakpoints, though: the main character gets out of certain
situations too easily due to his magic. I may revisit those sections in the outline later
this week. That, or note when writing the scenes to consider other ways to still meet the
scene's intent but make it rough for the character. Heheheh...

Tonight was the last night for the regular instructor at the Fullerton gym. Her work
schedule just made it impossible to continue working regularly up there. Many of us will
miss her; when her class was good, it was fantastic.

I have some trepidation about her replacement who starts next week. I'll attend the class
and see how he works out.

Oh! Looks like I've lost nearly six pounds. Unfortunately, I know I lost the weight through
depression over the last couple of weeks. It's kinda ironic. I used to gain weight
when I was depressed; like the rest of my family, I tended to eat for comfort. Huh. Talk
about a total turnaround in behavior.

Mom's still doing well as she recovers from her hospital stay. My sister is adjusting to her new baby. And the weather continues to stay bright longer out here in SoCal. Oh! Refi'd our mortgage. Though we'll be paying far greater on a monthly basis, it's a 15 year loan: our house will be fully paid off when R. retires.


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