Words, Weights, Whatever

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Housework II

I continued and finished reorganizing my side of the master bedroom. To get a sense of size, our master bedroom would cover 2/3rds of a two-car garage. Our king-size bed barely takes half the room. I could easily fit a full-sized bed on my side of the room and have plenty of walking space. So how did I fill that 'space' to the point where I couldn't pass through? Easily. Use it to place piles of to-be-read books, magazines, and role-playing games, don't clean for over six years, and bingo!; no more space.

But it's all piles. Continual work on them since yesterday (i.e., toss this, trash that, pile that over there, etc.) like waves to the shore and flooring finally showed up.

Not going to last long. Books from the library floor will be moved in soon. Sigh. What are bookcase for again?


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