Words, Weights, Whatever

Friday, September 05, 2003


Moved cubicles today. Much better. I hate it when my back's to the hallway.

Hopefully dealt with the EDD. Grrr. Back in August, I had interviewed for a temp job. Well, that company claimed I refused a job offer. One: I never got a job offer from them, especially since it's through a temp agency. Two: I notified the agency I found work and to remove me from availability. Hmmm. Should I call the agency to find out what's going on? Nah.


Personal, spouse:
Looked for docs for several hours. Can't believe our new financial planners need so much info. Did some housework (washes, changed the bedsheets, etc.) in between the searches.

Busy in the morning, slowing down towards mid to late afternoon. I'm usually starving by lunch time. Will have to time the mini-meals more carefully (and actually eat a little more at each meal.)

Napped when I got home. Ate major carbs after 1800. Sigh.


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