Words, Weights, Whatever

Thursday, August 28, 2003


Busy this morning, then slowed down. Client calls are beginning to come to me. Ugh! Good thing I'm working on the Client Care Problem and Troubleshooting template.

Contacts are bothering me today. Wasn't originally planning to wear them. I then remembered that I planned to try a new cardio class right after work. Grrr. Next time I'm just bring the lenes with me to put on before class.

I'm feeling very, very sleepy today. Not getting enough sleep. This is especially important as I continue my diet and workout (see Fitness). And we'll be soon (see Spouse) start getting up at 0500 on the weekdays.

We're slowly transitioning back to waking up at 0500. This morning we woke at 0600. I made coffee for the first time in nine days. Discovered we're now out of filtered water. Will have to stop by the store to pick up a couple of gallons. I think I'll hold off, though, from a more thorough food shopping until next week.

Purchased stamps last night. Finally mailed out bills. Yeah!

Right now I'm arguing with myself to do some weight-training during lunch hour or eat out. And--though I've prepared for it--I don't know which cardio class I'll attend tonight. Shall I attend the 1730 class down at the South Coast Plaza? Or wait until 1915 to attend the one up in Fullerton? Aargh!

I'm writing in this journal between tasks, ain't I? (Bad english.)

Looking towards doing some stuff over the holiday weekend. Saw some cool stuff (e.g., boxes, organizers, etc.) at Office Depot last night. Will be good for storage of a lot of our junk.

Notified my friend Greg that I'll be attending Clark's b-day party this coming Friday. Waiting to hear back from him.

Wonder if A/PC has an event this weekend.

Parents are coming out over the holiday weekend. I'll be joing them; the Campbells may be, too. This will be the first time I'll see my (now) preggie sister.

Oh! That reminds me. Gotta send out b-day and anniversary cards and gifts.

See below.


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