Words, Weights, Whatever

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Money, money, money, so much money, it's a rich man's world*

We spent yesterday evening working on our personal and business taxes . That meant no writing or working out.

Our fault, actually. Every year we procrastinate. And it was worse this year. Most of the statements I needed were missing. Fortunately, our bank had placed e-copies of them on the Web. Select the ones desired and--bam!--download as a PDF. Love modern technology (though there may be an associated fee...) But despite the technology, we were not able to finish due to human 'interference' (i.e., how we file--or don't--the costs of our stock.)

We'll have to finish by tonight so I can e-mail the files to our accountant for our Wednesday meeting. Sigh. Another item (our prep process, not our accountant) to put down on "To Be Improved by next year list".

*by ABBA if you're old enough to remember


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