Words, Weights, Whatever

Friday, April 02, 2004

It was announced

It's Friday! Gonna write tonight. Yeah!

Speaking in a zombie voice:

"Food. I. WANT. FOOD.

My manager notified the Sales department of my imminent departure. All of them understood my reasoning. Sigh. I will miss them (but not the job.)

Haven't heard from any of the companies I had mailed my resumes. I'll give them a month before following up on them. I did contact one temp agency whose ad requested such a call and they haven't called me back of course. Shrug. It is Friday.

Weekend plans currently include sleeping in; (possibly) working out (cardio, of course); quality time with spouse as we eat out, read, and watch DVDs together (or--gasp!--go to the theater!); process a book order; write; and read. Oh, and maybe some housework. Got to get that suit ready for all those interviews (smirk.)


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