***Should I blog or should I go now?***
Like contractors (see prior post), there are stretches of time where I can post nearly non-stop. Then there are those days/weeks/months(!) where I’m looking to slip in one post, apologizing not posting enough. Today’s one of the former ones.
I always debate about posting more than once a day. I know, from the way I read blogs and from comments received on my posts, that most folks only read the most current (topmost) post and ignore the ones below it. I write (almost) all my post on that assumption.
Shall I wait until tomorrow? Post much later like the evening? Or just post regardless?
Post when you feel like it. Many people post more than once a day so don't feel that you must regulate yourself to only once.
Greg, at 8:32 AM
You should always post more! :)
SBB, at 8:52 AM
I always backtrack to find what's new because I write more than once a day. Write away!
Leon, at 7:10 PM
depends on who you're writing for: you, or your "audience?"
Anonymous, at 7:18 AM
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