One issue that all bloggers eventually face is what to
write about. It's not just a simple matter of that
day's post, but their blog in general. Is my blog
about my daily life? Thoughts? Emotions? Political
opinions? Or my favorite links? The issue is made
infinitely more difficult since blogs are public:
bloggers now look at each post if it'll attract
readers and even garner comments.
As a professional blogger, I'm hit by the above
question both personally and professional. When I
started Words, Weights, Whatever so many years ago, I
originally planned it to be a daily record of my life.
That way, whenever I needed to think about what I did
on a particular day, I'd just pull up my blog and read
about it. Well, as you long-time readers know, my
intentions and the reality are quite different.
I face the same challenge at work. It doesn't help I
literally trained in one of the biggest automotive
blogs on the Internet. I feel even more pressure to
produce posts that are unique that will attract
readers. The upper ups have given their suggestions
but I'm on my own a lot of times. The issue becomes
even more critical as I begin to develop a team who
look to me to give direction.
"To blog, or not to blog," is not a question for me,
but what to blog about. How do you choose what to post about?
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I have some definite things, like my First Line Fridays, but my other posts tend to be general things that happen to me during the week. sometimes about books, sometimes about family. I just write whatever moves me at the moment.
Greg, at 11:31 AM
I keep a back stock of "Are You Pondering...?" posts handy, which you may already know is a posting of random topics that don't warrant a full post, but are blogworthy. I use these when a full-scale post isn't on hand.
I tried to make my blog about one thing, but realized that I'm made up of MUCH more than one topic...and so made it just a general personal journal of the things that I'm thinking/doing/etc.
Cheers, Christian
Anonymous, at 5:27 AM
For me, it's all about visualization. I picture myself in a bar, sitting across from my closest friend and telling him what's going on. I just type out my side of the conversation . . .
J.A. Coppinger, at 6:15 AM
Mostly it's a frantic search for something interesting to say. Sometimes I find something. :)
SBB, at 10:27 AM
I think that's why I chose to go the pop culture route in my blogging. Hardly a day goes by that something interesting, funny, or just plain weird doesn't leap up in that broad venue to tickle my writer's fancy.
Most days, I have a bigger problem narrowing the possibilities to just one or two.
SwanShadow, at 1:23 PM
But what if you have a lot of things that move you?
Unknown, at 8:41 PM
Hmmm. I like that. Let me think who my friend would be.
Unknown, at 8:42 PM
I remember those, Christian. I'll look for them to refresh myself.
Unknown, at 8:43 PM
With your life, I know you have plenty to write about. :)
Unknown, at 8:43 PM
One thing I like about your site is that you focus on non-mainstream pop stuff like comic books. Keeps me coming back :)
Unknown, at 8:44 PM
You have heard me say I was wrestling with many ideas. Some of them are planned and some spontaneous.
If I have the idea and the energy I will push myself to "really write" something.
If things are less focused I pick the easy one or the one that seems relevent at the moment.
Sometimes what I need to write and want to write are different.
Leon, at 1:20 AM
"Sometimes what I need to write and want to write are different."
You're a writer, aren't you? :)
Unknown, at 12:51 PM
there's some scientific principle to that where the observed is changed.
Unknown, at 12:52 PM
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