The two words came blazed on my computer screen a couple of nights ago. I was in a writer’s chatroom discussing motivation. There are several published authors who frequent the chatroom including W. She saw our comments, gave her answer, then followed it with the now two famous words on what she asks her Muse when she’s writing.
Hilarity ensued, of course, in chat. But the words have stayed fixed in my mind. I now mouth those words when I start that evening’s writing session.
Well, something must have happened for I’ve been getting back into the (writing) groove better, faster, and quicker (sounds like certain sex toys, doesn’t it? That’s what I’ve heard, anyway) each and every subsequent session. Last night was especially good; I felt the scene read more punchy, less passive, and the main character more interactive with other characters and the environment.
I will have to do something about the profanity, though. Hmmm.
Treat your characters like real people. But you have to be a little meaner to them than in real life Joel. Then they will bite back.
Leon, at 11:18 AM
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