Words, Weights, Whatever

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Thursday and Friday...and a little extra.

Image found on the Internet and all rights belong to its owner.


The client's weekly staff meeting was quite informative. One learns a lot about the inner workings of city government by being on the opposite side of the counter. Case in point: the licensing of "exotic entertainment" establishments. I didn't know they had to be a certain distance from residential areas. And don't get me started about the maintenance of horse trails.

Home life that evening was quiet with the exception of one little incident. R. and I were in the bedroom when I heard the words, "uh, who left the porn on top of the DVD player?" I looked and turned a darker shade of brown. Oops! I made a mental note (as I snuck the disk back to my office to join the other couple of dozen) to clean up any evidence after I "cleaned up" my messes.



The beginning of the end. The last day of my assignment is next Tuesday. I spent most of the day cleaning up my files. My co-workers, because it was the start of a holiday weekend, were more chatting than usual...which each other. I tried to stay in the background as much as possible.

Evening was spent at the coffeeshop, writing. (See Way.) Wow! Nice guys (and gals) can finish first. I came home with lots of free treats (unasked) after a productive writing session.

Image found on the Internet and all rights belong to the owner.


The following section is more of my thoughts than my daily activities and is not interesting to the average reader. So I won't mind or be offended if you stop reading here.

Still reading? Well, I warned you...

My goals--for the day, the month, the year, and next year--were prominent in my mind throughout the day.

I like to plan. Execution, though, has always been a problem. I start off strong then peter out. (No cat calls from the peanut gallery, thank you.)

One technique that helped me in the past sustain myself is writing my goals, the projects, and the to do items and noting which were (or were not) accomplished on a daily basis. I have used all types of paper and electronic management systems. The best combo that worked for me was the purchase (and use) of a personal digital assistant (PDA) and blogging.

The former's uses are obvious. As for the latter, the original purpose--for me--to create a blog was the noting of my daily activities for future reference. I quickly discovered that, since I looked at it constantly (I work primarily in the IT industry), I could make the blog me "daily, in-your-face reminder" that time management/goal orientation/"get rich quick" gurus constantly harp about.

Many of my prior post reflect this use. I will be resuming it again within the next few weeks. I've already taken some rough steps as can be noted in recent entries over at Way and Forge. Both reflect a refocusing of my interest in those areas.

I'll be elaborating in greater depth shortly. Otherwise...

Happy Labor Day, y'all!


  • I hate that word execution. I make a fine list, remember where I left it, plan to start it, and set out to execute it. Unfortunately I do (literally), and have to revise or start a new plan. They don' call me "Killer" for nuthin'ya know.

    By Blogger Leon, at 2:46 AM  

  • years ago, i got a PDA for some of the same reasons. sounds like you made much better use of it than i did with mine. now i'm in the market for a new one. but not for keeping track of goals and whatnot. just to write down my random thoughts, turn of words and twists of grammar, pieces of poetry that lingers after the first coffee of the day. of course, i drop by people's blogs and that usually inspires me to update mine. keep up the good work!

    By Blogger Joe, at 9:10 PM  

  • Re: PDA.
    Thanks! Will do my best.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:48 AM  

  • RE: site.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:48 AM  

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