Words, Weights, Whatever

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Eighteenth Hour

How long have you been on your own?

I've never lived on my own. I've always either had a roommate or, more often, lived with a lover. My siblings, on the other hand, have dwelled by themselves at some point in their lives.

I sometimes wonder if I missed something from the lack of solo experience, of being responsible to myself and no one else. What would it have been like, for example, to come home to a place that's all mine? Or to bring a date/fling and say, "here's my place"? Is it as lonely as everyone says it is? Note that folks who use such replies often are either looking for a relationship or are bitter in their solitude.

I wonder if I would found contentment in a solo situation? I often claim I'm a loner, but I wonder sometimes if it's true. Yes, I can easily get lost into a book or show. But I also enjoy the company of friends, and I know I get stir crazy when it's a Friday night and there's no one to talk with.

Hmmm. Time for nap.
Carpe Diem (seize the day)

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  • I've lived on my own and with someone else. In fact, I've lived with someone now for nearly 20 years. I barely remember living on my own, but I did okay. Living with someone, though, is better.

    By Blogger SBB, at 8:08 AM  

  • tech: do you have any blog posts that address the topic?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:40 AM  

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