Words, Weights, Whatever

Friday, September 19, 2008

Midnight -- Zero Hour

Well, I did it. I wrote twelve posts in one day.

Or is it thirteen? It doesn't matter. I'll tell you now it wasn't particularly onerous. But then, I had no particular goal in mind except to see if I could pull it off. Think of twelve topics? Check. Write one per hour? Check. I'm not particularly aiming for an audience which seems to be the goal for most bloggers. That's already a job requirement, something I don't want to bring in this second go-around with Words, Weights, Whatever.

Can I tell you a little secret? I started this blog back in 2002 because of -- gasp! -- old age. Or what I thought of the time as old age. You see, every time someone asked what I had done that particular weekend or day, I kept forgetting. I kid you not. Fearing I was suffering some sorta early dementia, I started the blog as a simple reminder of all the things I do/did in my life. Things, of course, didn't work out that way and which I'm forever grateful.

Do I still think I have dementia? Here's another secret. People who don't have dementia think they have it.

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  • Congrats on the postings!

    Didn't know about the dementia. Curious thought. I wonder if blogging would help people who have it.

    By Blogger SBB, at 8:04 AM  

  • tech: never really had it. and memory loss is normal at my so-called "advanced" age. i still can't believe i'll be the big 4-0 next year!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:38 AM  

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