Words, Weights, Whatever

Saturday, October 25, 2003


Personal, spouse:
Drove up to WeHo to attend a booksigning. As we drove home, I finally confessed to R. why I believe I want to leave my job. Situation's not fully solved but feeling better.

Friday, October 24, 2003


Great time. Like Knotts, it's better to go during the weekend.

We didn't stay all night. Came home, grabbed a meal, and watched new anime all night.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Knotts Scary Farm

Home sweet home.

Wow! Great time at the Scary Farm! And so few people. We're planning to schedule our vacations in October next year.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Bye, San Fran

We took a different route driving home. Mistake! The hotel staff either misheard us or didn't know what they were talking about. To get back to the 5 freeway, we took some smaller freeways. One stopped by one of those ancient missions. We stopped and spent time tooling around. Cool. Made lemons out of lemonade.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Book (second day)

Took a bus to the second set of bookstores. Again, a disappointment (though we found one major treasure.)

The walk, again, proved eye-opening.

Monday, October 20, 2003

Books (first day)

One of the major reasons we vacationed in San Fran this year is the bookstores. After a hearty breakfast, we trekked out, hopes high.

They were dashed.

We easily walked to nearly ten bookstores. The best was the San Francisco Mystery Bookstore. The others...well...had little to offer to us. SoCal stores have far more.

But the walk was incredible. I recommend walking to anyone who has the stamina to do so. One learns about a city better. (Note: to save some energy, we took a trolley to the Castro district to start our book tour.)

Sunday, October 19, 2003

The con (second day)

Pretty much the same as the first. R. purchased those cells. Yeah!

Oh! Saw Gravitation again. Nice to read subtitles one can truly understand. Will purchase the new version once it has been released.

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