Whew. Work finally slowed down enough for me to catch my breath.
Barely did anything on my major goals (housework, fitness, writing) yesterday. Gotta work on that starting today.
Spoke with mom and dad. The former's having back probs again. Poor mom. Spoke with both at length about my new job. They're happy for me.
Spoke with Jim and John. The latter is suffering a swollen knee from a possible bug bite. The former...well, he's as crazy and lovable as always :) I plan to trek up to their place one day.
Rick's suffering from this on-call week. Poor guy. I'll see him tomorrow. Hope he's up to car shopping.
RE: blogs. Both Sheila Viehl and Holly Lisle are retreating from active virtual life for the moment as they deal with career. Best wishes to both of them.
Friday, August 22, 2003
Thursday, August 21, 2003
Work was very busy yesterday morning. Didn't grab lunch until after 1300. Ate way too much.
Yeah! Able to make it to the coffeeshop to write around 1800. Actually quite busy. Fortunately I was able to snag my favorite spot. After warming up in my journal and updating an outline, I started my work in progress 2 (WIP2) tentatively titled "Dragon's Talon". Wrote over a page (250 words) in a little over an hour. Spent the rest of the writing session (total 90 minutes) working on WIP "Pyrrhic Price" before calling it a night.Overall, I'm very pleased.
Drove up to Game Castle in Fullerton. Got some good stuff to help with my writing.
Reading Fiona Patton's fourth novel, The Golden Sword. Looks good.
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Ack. Been gone a while.
Spouse is gone from Monday through next Tuesday. It's rough on both of us.
I've made a major decision in writing. Working on a new project. Realized the prior one was too big for me at the moment. I like the new one. We'll see, though: I may return to the prior one or work both of them.
Job's been going well. Can't believe it's only 10-15 minutes away. And working out during lunch has been nice. And, again, everyone seems nice to work with. None of that "weird, get away from my vibe" from anyone. Pretty much learned the basics of the job and product. Frustration is getting my fellows to sit down with me to document some of the procedures.
Working out. Wanna get a new (and considerably) smaller workout booklet that I can carry in my pocket during my routines. Working out my legs regularly for the first time in years. My calves do not appreciate it and are letting me know. Changing my cardio routine as well. Last night I attend my first step class at Tustin for the first time.
Seen friends a few times. Faciliated this month's rap. Need to give my family a call.