Traffic Headlines
It's both a pleasure and frustration to worry about traffic. I'm not talking about cars but visitors to one's blog.
I never set up one of those counters for Words, Weights, Whatever. Wasn't serious enough those oh so many years ago. I know I could add one now but what would be the point?
However, I do count on comments to get an inkling on how my blog is doing. Still, I don't fret if I don't see a peep for several posts.
But my work is a different matter. I have access, or more correctly, know the people who have the tools, to tell me how the blogs are doing. In a more recent report, the director told me the blog's doing as expected for a brand new blog.
I want ten times that number and I'm only half-joking. Yeah, I know I have unrealistic expectations. What do you expect, though, for an aspiring writer? Reality? Anyway, I use the expectation to drive me further, to figure out what I can do to improve the posts or let folks know of the blog's existence.
I wonder if my fellow writers feel the same way. What say y'all? Do high expectations make you work harder? Or you just say "fudge it" and chill through life?