***After the Strike***
Friday I joined several of my ex-co-workers for lunch. The good news is that most had found jobs or continued to interview. The bad news were most would be either leaving Orange County (San Diego was the most popular destination) or the state. Neither was optimal for anyone. I told my story about the long-term, high-paying, temp position and everyone expressed sympathy.
Someone asked if anyone would be attending our (former) employer's company picnic. No one was going as you can imagine.
Afterwards I sequestered myself at the coffeeshop and tried to work on my works-in-progress (WIPs) but with little results. I was more rattled by losing the job opp than I thought.
So, while chatting over at Forward Motion, I looked for more job opps on-line. I didn't apply to any of them (it was Friday and I know, from experience, that no one would be lookin' at resumes) but noted them for next week.
I joined my friends in the evening in Long Beach until my spouse returned home.
NOTE: Finished the book, Dragon Precinct, in the afternoon.